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By now we all have a basic understanding of what SEO (search engine optimization) is all about; if you don’t, let’s just say that it is the internet version of a library system that enables your customers to find you online, it is the method of improving your website’s ranking (position) in Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines.

But why is local SEO so important?

Well, in terms of your business, chances are you’re serving a specific market of customers around where your business operates. That means if you’re a local photographer, plumber, or shop keeper, you’re probably less concerned about getting and keeping customers in the next state as you are the next zip code. A well planned and well-implemented SEO campaign will help bring more relevant traffic to your website, increase exposure, reduce bounce rate, and increase sales.

That’s where SEO optimized for local search comes in. The research shows that as of 2019, 89% of all research for consumer products or services begin online (of you think about yourself in terms of a consumer, you can understand why this is true). Add to that that only 3% of consumers are ready to purchase without doing research online first.


If you consider other types of marketing, a good SEO campaign costs 61% less than outbound marketing (mailers and so forth) and will drive 8 times the conversions of your product.

Now before you say to me that “I don’t need any of this, I get all of my business from referrals and I have all the customers I need.” Really? Well, if you have all the customers you need, and have no interest in growing or scaling your business, then, by all means, stop right here. That said, the internet is here to stay, so you may as well embrace it, and reap the rewards that it offers.

The reality is that Local SEO optimized for your business will unquestionably:

  • Will drive more exposure and most importantly, enhance search visibility.
  • Build trust with your search results
  • Increase traffic in a cost-effective way
  • Attract more customers to generate measurableresults
  • Build a long-term presence online


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