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Quoted from http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120511973377523845.html?mod=hps_us_whats_news:

NSA’s Domestic Spying Grows As Agency Sweeps Up Data – WSJ.com

NSA’s Domestic Spying Grows
As Agency Sweeps Up Data

From the “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance” department, come this article from the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal. This is interesting for me on a number of levels; not only am I responsible for the management of my company’s information assets, and having a master’s degree in information assurance. I find this truly disturbing. The fourth amendment of the constitution prevents the illegal search and seizure of our property, but in the interest of “national security” the NSA seem to find this notion… inconvenient. Now, honestly, this isn’t anything that hasn’t been happening since before the days of J. Edgar ran the FBI, but this move of “openness”? The NSA effectively states “yeah, we’re monitoring you, and you should probably be careful.” Interesting… I could rave on about this being a fascist plot to oppress the populous by “the man,” but they’re probably already monitoring this blog.